Job Services
See our full range of job services below
Job Search
Apply for assistance searching for available jobs with affirming companies.
Resume/Cover Letter
Apply for assistance to get resume and cover letter tips straight to your inbox!
Remote Jobs
Regularly check our remote jobs spreadsheet, to see what options are available.
Featured Jobs List
Regularly check the weekly featured jobs list for available positions around the nation.
Learn more about what we do
We only seek out trans affirming and diversity accepting employers in order for the wider trans community to increase their access to gainful employment within their scope of practice or fields of interest.
TMN has an intake form which helps to narrow-down the criteria based on each person’s work history, educational background, location, and ideal position.
Trans Job Connect U.S. has been serving the transgender community since September 2017.
Trans Job Connect's On Facebook Too!
Community members regularly post available jobs not listed on the remote jobs spreadsheet, and the weekly featured jobs list. Members also offer advice, answer questions, and mentor other group members.
Click here to read more about our Facebook Group.
Navigating The Work Force While Trans
Watch this video to learn about statistics, realities, and minority stress experienced by transgender people when seeking employment or while employed.