TMN Beliefs

We want all of our clients and team members to feel: seen, heard, respected, valued, safe, and comfortable. That's why at TMN we believe:

-Diversity Matters
-Integrity Matters
-Respect Matters
-Responsiveness Matters
-Support Matters

TMN is happy to partner with inclusive businesses and organizations.

TMN believes trans people deserve reliable services. Which is why TMN connects the transgender population with services that matter, such as:
-Employment & Resume Assistance
-Affirming Clothing Assistance
-Legal Assistance
-Transgender Resources
-Support Groups 

All three of our assistance projects have partnership and sponsorship opportunities. Watch the video below to learn more about TMN Services Network.

Become A Sponsor

Becoming a sponsor allows for TMN to increase awareness of projects and services to the community members who need the most assistance by advertising, and specific marketing campaigns.

Sponsoring TMN provides the resources needed to ship appropriate gendered clothing for things such as interviews, work attire, and everyday wear for those who can not afford to obtain their own clothing.

TMN sponsors have a unique opportunity to also sponsor transgender clients individually as well. Sponsoring a transgender client directly serves to give a more direct impact in the trans person's life.

You can empower the transgender population with your support. Your help is crucial to our efforts in connecting transgender people with services they can rely on.

Find out more by clicking the button below.

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Become A Partner

Becoming a partner with TMN allows for increased awareness of projects and services to the community members who need the most assistance through mutual partnership endorsement.

TMN partners have the opportunity to provide free or low-cost services directly to TMN clients through strategic partnerships.

Partners of TMN are automatically listed as event sponsors, named in monthly emails, and logos are added to event specific materials (such as, merchandise, pamphlets, and flyers).

By partnering with TMN, your business is demonstrating solidarity with the transgender community. A partnership with TMN proves your company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. In addition, becoming a partner of TMN portrays your company’s dedication to community engagement.

Partners empower the transgender population with dynamic support. Your help is crucial to our efforts in connecting transgender people with services they can rely on.

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Sign-Up As A Partner or Sponsor

Click below to complete the appropriate form.

Partner Form

Link To Partner Form

Become A TMN Partner

Sponsor Form

Link To Sponsor Form

Become A TMN Sponsor

Employment Project Partners

TMN Trans Job Connect Partners 

To become a partner, sponsor, or event affiliate. Complete the appropriate form, linked above.

TMN Project Partners

This is a list of TMN Project Partners.

Charter For Compassion



Sunshine Behavioral Health


Mental Health

Education Loan Finance



Bank Rate



Nerd Wallet





Beauty & Self-Care



LGBTQ Resources